my life27
My new psychiatrist seems cool. My passion, writing, he knows. I use my experiences for stuff to write about. As I waited at the doctor, it hit me why God called me from rejecters. Now I can focus better on Christ. I see my psychiatrist every three months. My psychiatrist knows now I want a double wide in a double wide trailer park. He said keep hoping for it. I want my bills as low as possible. That's to have the most money to advertise my books with. Ebooks. Writing is my favorite activity. I want to keep doing that for the Lord. Wind used to bother me, so I am exposing myself to more wind. Today I had a Cowboy burger at Applebees. Mom and I left Sheila on the couch as she texted je. Sheila and Jeff could be coming in. Chubs is barking. The condition of the world shows the Lord Almighty is very, very near
- Publication Date
- Jan 15, 2016
- Language
- English
- 9781329832893
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Michael House
- Format