“Choosing your Religion” is a guide to Christian denominations in the U.S. It describes, in concise form, the distinct features, beliefs, practices, and origins of 18 faiths, most of which are fixtures in nearly every American town and city. While these churches are familiar to all, their differences are not commonly understood. An ideal resource for those re-evaluating, or considering church for the first time, the “Book of Denominations” allows readers to easily acquire the broadest possible view of the Christian religion by examining its many facets, its different denominations. It may also serve current churchgoers looking to learn more about their own faith. The book contains a wealth of information organized for the benefit of the inquiring reader. For each faith group presented, it answers questions such as: What do they believe? How did it start? How many people belong? How do they worship? The book also includes an overview of the Christian religion and a glossary of religious terms.
- Publication Date
- Sep 28, 2011
- Language
- English
- Category
- Religion & Spirituality
- Copyright
- All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
- Contributors
- By (author): Philip Koehn
- Format