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Image of Author Eugene S. Warr

Eugene S. Warr

Originally born and raised in San Francisco, the author spent most of his years in San Jose,CA. After finishing high school, Eugene worked at various jobs in Silicon Valley, mostly temp work in supply, shipping, and warehousing. During that time living in California, he had the chance to enjoy day trips around the Bay Area as well as traveling to far off places. He has visited twice to Mexico, Hawaii, and Washington, D.C. as well as visiting Peru and New York City once. Just as his parents decided to retire and move to Las Vegas, Eugene went along with them to start a new chapter in his life. Nevada has been their home since 2004. While Eugene is single, he has a brother whose married with 2 children living in the Philly metro area. Both brothers as well as their parents are SF Giants/SF 49ers fans. They also root for the GS Warriors and SJ Earthquakes.