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Frank Clark

Eliau is the pen name of Frank T. Clark. I am an ultraconservative, lifetime, fifth-generation, Seventh-day Adventist believer. No religion has the whole truth or is the exclusive source of truth. Truth is accepted by each individual as they study the Bible to understand for themselves. These books are a series of study guides for serious students of the Bible only. A few years ago I was awakened to the renewed realization this world is going to end soon. While renewing my study of the Bible, I was led to see "Present Truth" which I was not originally taught to see. These truths are critical to "Preparing for the End of Time". It is my purpose to point you to truth in the Bible which is often overlooked. It is my intent and expectation you will study the Bible about this for yourself. It is my prayer the Holy Spirit will guide you. When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth... He will show you things to come. John 16:13 (FTCABE)